How I Work
A respectful and accepting attitude on the part of the therapist is essential for any therapy to be effective. I receive and engage clients with warmth, humility, and genuine regard. My goal is for clients to leave the first session feeling that the therapy space is a safe one in which they can freely share.
It would be impossible to describe a typical treatment scenario, because all people and situations are unique, requiring different approaches, tools, and goals. Despite the inevitable differences amongst clinical situations, there are certain constants in my work with people. These constants are my beliefs about resiliency, change, and healing.
A fundamental principle of my approach is that we all have within ourselves the resources necessary to live our lives with peace, joy, and purpose. This innate wellbeing is always available to us. The change and healing process often involves exploring the obstacles that have hindered access to our wellbeing. Often, these obstacles take the form of thoughts ("shoulds", worries, and self-defeating stories we've come to believe as facts). These maladaptive thoughts and stories are typically rooted in past experiences and relationships. My role as a therapist is to assist clients to access their innate health and to become more aware of the ways that they have been cut-off from their healthiest selves.
I am a strong believer that healing and growth occur when we accept ourselves as we truly are. Through the therapeutic process, my clients often discover the freedom and joy that come from authentic expression and self-acceptance. It is through this shift that clients come to identify what they truly want in life, what inhibits them from obtaining it, and what they can do to manifest it.
I am committed to offering clients a therapeutic experience in which they can expect to receive certain tangible benefits. My goal is to provide my clients with:
compassion, understanding, and respect
helpful and fresh perspectives that illuminate persistent patterns and negative feelings
problem-solving skills and enhanced coping strategies for enacting the change they desire
practical guidance
It is an honor to witness the courage, transformation, and growth that take place in my therapy practice. It is courageous to look inward and to share oneself in an honest way, and my heart is deeply touched through the process of assisting people in their journey towards self-knowledge and growth.
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."
~Albert Einstein
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
~Viktor Frankl